Thank you Gaurika Bhanot, our Chapter President in Delhi, India for leading an Arts-n-STEM4Hearts outreach at Rajiv Gandhi Cancer Hospital in Delhi, India. Thank you Dr. Abhishek Bansal for helping us coordinate this effort. The Delhi Chapter team made “Thank you” bags filled with handmade cards, notes, bookmarks, chocolates expressing heartfelt gratitude towards the doctors, nurses and medical support staff who are continuing to provide care for the cancer patients. Thank you for being selfless and courageous. We love and appreciate you all!
A huge shout out to the following volunteers for their hard work:
Anjali Kapoor, Gaurang Bhanot, Alphi John, Riddhi Taunk, Mehak Salwan, Hardika Dawar, Aarna Katyal, Vishakha Singla, Diya Gupta, Aditya Kapoor, and Maisha
